This ride is only open to members of the Wirral Cycling Group.  If you are an experienced rider who has ridden with other cycling groups and would like to join us on a ride, then please get in touch with us via the <Contact Form> so we can make arrangements.  If you have not ridden with a cycling group before, and would like to find out what riding with our group is like, then please book onto one of our monthly rides for newcomers.

You must not join a ride if you or anyone in your household is experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms
or if you have been advised to self-isolate

(D) Hooton Station to Chester Groves Picnic by the River

10:00 Wednesday May 15 2024

Current Participants: 1 space(s) available

    Una Keane (D) 34 miles ride from Hooton Station to Chester Groves and back to start. meet at 9.45am for a pre ride breifing then for a 10am prompt start. We will proceed out along the River Dee and have a 10min break half way to lunch and after lunch we will proceed back to Hooton via the Canal and Greenway. Hopefully a lovely early summer day and we can sit on the benches by the river enjoy the scenery and eat our picnics. Public Toilets are available at the Groves. There are also a couple of places to buy food and drinks ice creams etc. If you prefer not to bring your own lunch. The route is relatively flat and no challenging hills to cope with approx 34 miles. I don’t go too fast 9/10 miles per hour and we won’t leave anyone behind. Please bring a roadworthy bike spare innertube and pump money phone snacks lunch and drinks. Spaces are limited so please cancel in advance via the website but for any emergency on the day call Una on 07776343661

    Bookings no longer allowed on this date.